Late Delivery Guarantee is a fast delivery service for selected products. When guaranteed delivery is available on an item, “Late Delivery Compensation” will be clearly marked on the product page.
How to Apply?
If you don't get your packages by the estimated delivery date, please contact our customer service to request a Late Delivery Compensation. Be sure to provide your order information.
Please note that each order is eligible for being compensated once. For example, if an order has multiple shipments and there are more than one shipment late, compensation will be offered only once.
Homary may not offer you compensation under the following circumstances:
The ordered items are not eligible for a guaranteed delivery.
The delivery address is changed after the order is placed.
The address is wrong.
Unsuccessful credit or debit card charge.
Circumstances that Homary could not have foreseen, like a natural disaster or severe weather conditions.
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